Monday, February 09, 2009

Cross your fingers...I don't want a black and blue nose.

My nose hurts. It's swollen and I've had ice on it for HOURS, in the hopes that it won't turn lovely colors tomorrow. I don't know if its broken or just a little cracked. What happened? Well, I was laying on the bed, Rue fell on my nose with her fist and all of her weight following behind it. It gave me an instant headache and hurt...OMG, did it hurt. Tisha and Rue got me some frozen veggies to put on it and then Rue got me a replacement package after she gave me a hug and kiss. She felt bad about it, the poor little girlie, but it was an accident afterall. She even went back to Grandma to get me some more frozen veggies before I even asked for them. Instead Grandma dug outthe ice pack and so I sent Rue back with the veggies before they thawed out completely. I finally took something to dull the throbbing nose pain I had. I'm telling you, it was even hard to smile. I'm hitting the hay now and praying that the swelling will go down and I won't be black and blue tomorrow for my Cousin's funeral.


Anonymous said...

Try not to sneeze.

Anonymous said...

I have one word for that----OUCH!

Peg said...

It's amazing how certain injuries can hurt like you-know-what.

I was sorry to read about your cousin, Netter.

My thoughts are with you and your family.