Friday, October 03, 2008

I promise I won't show you my ouchie

Oh its nasty! I took a chunck out of my knuckle on my left hand. How? I'm almost embarassed to mention it...but you know I will.

I was cutting veggies up, actually I was taking the skin off of a carrot with one of those gizmos...oh you know, a Julienne peeler. A normal person would use a carrot peeler, but not me. Basically because I couldn't find it. Someone used it over the weekend and didn't put it back where it belonged. Typical...and NO, it wasn't me that stuck it somewhere strange. The thing about a Julienne peeler is it has these little barbs on it that slices the veggie into little skinny strips. If you don't want to do that, you have to use the peeler at an odd angle. That's what I was doing. Maybe I should say, that is what I was trying to do...because I failed in a feirce way. At least I was on my last carrot.

Yeah, well I took a chunck of skin out of my middle finger knuckle on the side next to my pointer finger. A HUGE chunk. We are talking deep friggin chunk of skin. It was wide enough that stitches wouldn't work. I'm suprised I couldn't see bone or cartlidge...yeah, it was that deep. The funny thing was that it didn't bleed as bad as I thought it should. I was kind of shocked about that. You'd think with a hunk of skin that big missing out of your hand, you'd be dripping blood. Maybe its because I washed it out so fast and put pressure on it. Who knows. Anyway, I've been those special air proof bandages on it and I just change it every morning. It seems to be doing really well. When it doesn't look as nasty, I'll take a picture of it. I would now, but you might be eating lunch, oh and I'm a little embarassed because my nails are stained orange and green, from all the veggies I cut up. Normally I'd take a little bleach to my nails and whiten them right up...but there is no way in hell I'm going anywhere near my gash with bleach. Ouch! Heck now! It hurt bad enough, I'm not adding to my misery.


Lucy said...

I thought that was an old-time leg shaver at first!!! That would a been a real ouchie!!!

Netter said...

lol, oh man, Lucy, I'd hate to think about dragging those barbs over my leg. I think I'd pass out.

Darlene said...

Holy crap, nett! When it comes to peeling veggies & you can't find the right utensil, don't improvise! Geez, that thing looks like a friggin weapon!

Anonymous said...

So you added a little protien to your veggies. Save the picture we can all imagine by your description. Spare us.

Anonymous said...

Poor Netter--- You could use black nail polish on your nails (make sure you use clear 1st and then the black). Then in a few days take it off and then they won't be green and orange..

Peg said...

Sorry to read about your poor finger, Netter. You didn't go to the dr?????

If you'd have gone on that mini-vacation when you were sleep walking, this would not have happened.

(At least with my ouch-ie I can still knit, but then again, with your ouchie you could get out of a lot of chores.)

Anonymous said...

Owie! Poor Netter! Take good care of that knuckle, you're going to need it when you pop the peeler-hider in the eye!