Friday, September 19, 2008

Baby news!

There is something in the air... or the water... in any event, it seems that we are going to have another baby in the family. Nope, not me...nope not my Sister, nope not my Cousin Cindy, or her daughter. Nope not Crystal, Marla or Denise...that I know of anyway. It's not one of my Aunts. Give up. It's Shannon, my 20 year old cousin. Yep, that means this December, she's going to have a dry 21st birthday. She was scared to tell me about the baby. I still can't figure out why...but she had her Mom call me. Whimp! Anyway, I'm going to be planning a baby shower. The due date is April 1st, 2009. Yep, she's 3 months preggers. REMEMBER, you heard it hear first.


Tami said...

An April 1st Baby! I'm so excited for you. And for Shannon, of course!

We're expecting another baby in our "family" also. John's best friend and his wife - the baby's due date is in February but she's having complications so they're praying she makes it past Thanksgiving so the baby will be "safe." They lost a baby at the beginning of this year so it's kind of touch and go.

So, Annette, and Annette's readers, if you would would like to send out some good vibes for Baby Greene - he could certainly use some - and we would appreciate it.

Netter said...

Good vibes going out for baby Greene. Toss some in there for Shannon too, its not easy being a young single mother.

Cindy said...

Danielle should have dyed her hair blonde. When you text messaged her she thought you were playing an April Fools Day joke on her because you said the baby was due on April 1st. It took a bit to convince her that you were not kidding. I laughed so hard at her. I wish you could have been there. Baby Greene will be in my prayers.

By the way if I was pregnant I would be a rich woman.

Darlene said...

Oh, yay! She's due on Vaughn's birthday! Your baby shower is going to be great - you're a remarkable planner when it comes to that kind of thing! Congrats!

Rockstar Mom said...

Okay, quite honestly, my first thought was Raine.....

denise said...

i remember shannon as a sassy 7 yr old wow i feel old lol how time flies. good luck with the due date my middle son is and april fools day baby and well ask cindy what hes like lol ha ha ha ha goodluck shannon.i am sure baby greene will be ok. i will keep good thoughts in my heart for him

Anonymous said...

Shannon baby is the day after Arianna's but we all know that the baby will come when its ready. That was one thing that Marla did not want to have the baby on april fools day. She has a step brothers that is. You don't think Shannon is pulling an April Foools on us and shell tell us the truth then. That would be funny.
Baby greene My prayers are with you and your family.