I try to get together with some of my gal friends from high school every trip home. This time Michelle and her kids couldn't make the trip because Michelle started a new job. We missed them but Tami, her bus load...Hayden, Phillip, Stephanie and Meredith and I managed to find our way to Amy and Bill and Cody's house in Gresham. Bill went to bed because he had to work the late shift at work while the gals and the kids screamed and clanged things together. That man can sleep through anything, I swear.
Amy has the largest Mulberry tree I have ever seen and it has a HUGE tire swing hanging from it. The kids had fun on it. Stephie fell off of it and made the worst sounding thud I have heard in a long time. I was afraid we were going to have to hit the emergency room but she's a tough little girl. Anyway, this is the whole crew. We decided that we are going to get a picture of all of us, each time we get together. Luckily, I know how to use the timer on my camera and Amy has a home propane take sitting in the right place. Not a bad picture really. It's hard to get kids to look at a camera all at once, isn't it. Man it was a bad hair day for me...but what do I expect?! It's Nebrasky in the summer...which means its hot and humid...Gross.
Phillip was so cute. He climbed right into Cody's old toy box. Yep, while Stephie did the pee-pee dance and refused to admit that she had to make a potty break, Phillip found the best place in the house...a place where he wouldn't get stepped on or run over by the big kids. We all know kids hate putting toys away, so that has to be a safe place to hang out.
Oh and I made brownies. Yummy gooey brownies. I decided they needed to be frosted because its summer and everything tastes better with frosting. Well, almost everything. I wouldn't go so far as to claim that hotdogs taste better with frosting. Anyway, I decided we needed a nice beach theme. I frosted everything blue, put crushed graham crackers as the beach and peach gummy rings with Teddy Grahams as swimmers and the sunbathers. I even piped some bikini's on the sunbathers. They sure were good.
Anyway, we had a super fun day.
Why didn't you tell everyone about your mother's comment about the frosted brownies with the teddy graham swimmers and sunbathers? You know - something about 'you have way too much time on your hands.'
It's so cool enjoying your visit home with you. :)
If Rue's 'tickle, tickle, tickle' was anything like my niece's- really fast, thru the teeth and the ckle sounding more like guggle... anyway, I can just hear her saying it by the look on her face in that picture LOL
(I hope blogger will let me comment tonight. I tried to oooh and aaawwwh over Rue last night but it wouldn't let me.)
I think that is the cutest cake. Where do you come up with your ideas. You need to write a book. Think of the millions you could make.
Aw, cute brownie cake! Looks like a fun day!
What a fun day. OMGosh that cake is so durn cute.
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