Friday, June 13, 2008

While the neighbors are in Florida...

I've been letting their girls out for a bathroom break in the middle of the day. Lola and Marley normally go to work with the neighbors, so they have lots of attention and lots of people to take them for little walks during the day. Marley the labrapoodle (Did I spell that right? Ah, who cares.) is recovering form her third knee operation, so we are not going for walks, we are just trying to keep everything very calm. She's a high energy dog. Lola, well Miss Lola is very calm...her idea of a big exercise is rolling on her side so you can scratch her tummy. I stop over for an hour or so around noon and let them out for a bathroom break and then I fill up their water bowls with fresh, cool water. After that I sit on the floor and chat with them for a while. Today I spent a lot of time explaining to Marley why I didn't like it when she licked my ear. I told her it had nothing to do with her bad breath, but I don't think she believed me. She takes everything so personally. Lola really doesn't care what the topic of conversation is as long as you keep rubbing her tummy. Lola and Marley have people staying with them overnight so I only have to do afternoon duty. I love watching the dogs, but I'm not sure I'd want overnight duty...I have a feeling Lola snores and Marley probably chases stuff in her sleep.


Anonymous said...

I love Lola! She is so cute, and reminds me of myself with those short, stumpy legs...Marley, well I like that she chases rocks. It's kind of cute.

Netter said...

Uh, you don't have stumpy legs. They may not be long but they sure aren't stumpy.

Where have you been? I called you back yesterday.

Darlene said...

Oh they are so cute!

Netter said...

They really are cute dogs. They are well behaved...well, Lola is, Marley tries but its hard to behave when you are a little nutty.

sara said...

Aww! They are so cute!
I watched a neighbors dog once and decided it was just like having an infant. Guess that's why I'm a cat person. :-)

Anonymous said...

I got your message! But I never I was a bit mystified. I'll call you tomorrow!

Kimmie said...

How nice that you could help your neighbors...cute doggies.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted