Thursday, June 05, 2008

My Mother the klutz and my Aunt the Streaker...

Did I get your attention? Well, let's start with the story of my Mother and why my Pop says she looks like a rooster with two broken wings, standing on one leg on a fence post. You see, it all started in Kansas. I've always said, nothing good happens in Kansas and especially at a family reunion. After all, when you get a bunch of Kaster's together, its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. No, in all seriousness, my Mom tripped. They were at a town park and there were brand new sidewalks that still had the forms on them...they were that new. Anyway, Mom was walking along, heading to the playground to tell Dewey(my brother-in-law) and Rue that it was time to come eat lunch. She was stepping over the sidewalk forms and rammed her toe into a little piece of steel post that was sticking up, which caused her to slam down on the cement. She tried to catch herself with her hands and she said, it hurt so bad she wanted to cry but couldn't. Only one person saw this and they asked if she was OK. Mom totally lied and said yes. She was in denial. After sitting there for quite a while she managed to get up. She walked over and got Dewey and Rue and the managed to hang out at the reunion and even eat, but her arms were hurting. She thought she pulled a muscle or something. She was swollen and bruising. If I had been there, I would have dragged her a$$ to a hospital...but she was faking everyone out. My Sister called me to let me know that Mom had hurt herself because she knew I would harass Mom until she went to the doctor. I mean, when they left, she couldn't even open the car door herself. Dad took her home, iced her up and some of the swelling did go down but she didn't want to go to the emergency room on Sunday night so she waited until the next morning. She sent Dad to work and when I spoke to her I asked how she was getting to the doctor's office. She said she might walk....GRRR...I told her not to and to call Aunt Linda to take her because she's not back to work yet. Mom said she could always take the handy bus. In the back of my mind, I knew that woman wouldn't ask for help and she'd try to get there on her own. I was right. She drove herself with to the doctor.
After many x-ray's she found out that her left arm had a clean break about 1 1/2 inches under her elbow, so they put her in a temporary L brace-cast. They thought about putting a brace on her other wrist too, but knew it would be hard for her to do anything, so they wrapped it up. She has to go back on Thursday for more x-rays when the swelling goes down. Good news though, her black and blue toe, which she thought might have been broken as well, wasn't broken at all. She just jammed the toe nail. I told her that she needs to insist that they but full casts on both of her arms. Why would I suggest that? Well, you see, my Pop is acting as nurse mate. That means he has to cook for her, do the dishes, you know, things he hasn't done much of since they were married almost 39 years ago. Mom had to walk him through how to set up the coffee pot so he'd have fresh coffee in the morning. She had to tell him to wipe the grease off the stove with a wash cloth, not the dish towel he'd use to dry dishes with later. Yep, the old man is really getting a taste of what its like to work and come home and do all the cooking. Mom laughed and said, "Wait until he has to vacuum the house on Sunday." She wasn't sure she could get him to do it. I think she should go for it. Milk it for all she can get, then once she's better, keep him helping out. I know, I know...I'm dreaming now! I'll keep you posted on Mama Boom-Boom's healing progress. Right now, I can tell you that she is bored out of her mind. She can't even play video games...and she did manage to check her email, but that didn't last long because her arms started to hurt.

Now for a funny little story. I've heard it second hand, because the Kaster grapevine works just fine without my help. It seems as though it was windy in Kansas last week. Uncle Gary has been telling EVERYONE about this...sorry Aunt Carole, I've heard it from 4 people so I have to share it with EVERYONE. Anyway, it was really windy. Carole went outside and was chasing after the garbage can or the lid, as she jogged along, the wind grabbed a hold of her shorts...which were a little big...and blew her shorts down. Uncle Gary saw the whole thing and it was reported to me that he said, "She was wearing the prettiest pink panties." LOL, I bet the neighborhood has been buzzing all week. I was thinking about picking up a pair of suspenders to send Aunt Carole...but then I realized that Uncle Gary has to have a pair or two laying around that he could loan her.

In other news, Cousin Jeff and Marla have headed to New Orleans, leaving the "rent-a-baby" with Grandma Vickie and Grandpa John. Sounds like there is some spoiling going on in Lincoln, well there should be. Vickie was going to ask Mom if she wanted to bring Rue up to go to the Zoo with them, but after finding out about her boo-boo's and the fact that Mom won't be watching Rue for a while...that idea was thrown out the window.


Anonymous said...

Does the Kaster grapevine have the first name Cynthia? It was funny at the time cuz it was raining at the same time and I didn't know whether to keep something over my head or pull my pants up. lol
So what did you do to your wrist? I must have missed that story. Hope you are feeling better.

Love, Carole

Rockstar Mom said...

With two arms in casts....grease on off the stove ain't the only thing ol' poppy would be wipin'.


Anonymous said...

I was one of the four I admit, but you should hear dad giggle when he tells the story.

I feel bad that I didn't go over and help your mother.


sweetiepie said...

I hope your mom is feeling better soon! Her hubbie sounds like my hubbie. Mine doesn't even know what cabinet the dishes are

Tami said...

My poor Millie! Next time you call your sis-in-law to take you to the hospital. I'm surprised Annette didn't call her for you. You must be one tough cookie! I hope you're feeling better.

I do like the full cast suggestion. I think even once you are better, you should "occasionally" complain that there is residual pain so you can sit with your feet up and have your husband wait on you once in awhile.

Darlene said...

Hi Nett! I think I may be getting my mojo back - I actually blogged!

Please forgive the boring post, though. I'm running on little sleep and they'll get more interesting. ahaha

Anonymous said...

Oh I confess I'm one of the four also. Cindy you are right your dad did giggle when he told the story about Carole. We had so much fun spoiling the rent a baby. Man it keeps you busy. Millie keep up with making Allen do all the work. Its good for him. Poor guy .

Millie said...

first things first-- the break is only about 3/4" from my elbow.. they won't put a cast on it, for fear that my elbow will freeze, so i wouldn't be able to bend it. so i have a sling on my left arm at all times except when showering, sleeping or doin the 10 reps of exercises i have to do with both arms to loosen the muscles. they are killers too. just merely bending my arms palms up(yeah, right!!) to open and close as much as possible..i cannot get my left palm straight up and i can finally get the elbow opened almost completely on the 10th time. it hurts like ' h' and i don't want the bone to slip out of place so i don't force it.i picked up a can of corn with my right hand without thinking tonight and thought i was goin to die.. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE "LONGEST" 4-6 WEEKS OF MY LIFE..i hope i heal fast!!my luck, who knows!! this one hand hunt and peck is for the birds!!

Desperate Housewife said...

Ha ha ha! I have a funny aunt story too... one of my Mom's sisters,rather portly, was sitting on a lawn chair on her front yard, went through it, and got stuck. Apparently many cars went by while she was rolling around on the lawn trying to get unstuck.

Netter said...

DH~ OMG, that is very funny. I hope she wasn't wearing a skirt when that happened.I have another Aunt story...I should post about it.

Mom! OMG, take it easy, so you don't hurt yourself any more than you already have.