Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I love this thing!

Normally, I'm not into product endorsement. Holy crap, does this thing work really well. My feet were still in their normal, cracked winter was scary. I even use lotion on my heels, its pathetic. I wanted to get a pedicure but I hate the idea anyone seeing my heels in the condition that they were in. I was in Walgreen's and they had the Ped Egg, just sitting there on the end of an isle. It was $9.99 and I was seriously debating if I should spend ten bucks on it or not. I figured, if it worked...goodie...if not, I'd send the company a hate letter or something and they could either ignore me or refund my money. I assumed they would ignore me...most people do. Anyway, I brought it home, read the instructions and went to town on my gross feet. I'm happy to tell you that my heels are so soft now. All that hard cracked stuff is gone. It didn't take long and it wasn't messy like some of those gadgets you use to scrape away the old skin. Nope, all I had to do was dump out the dead skin when I was done. It kind of reminded me of Parmesan cheese. Fear not, I didn't get confused and try it on my Cesear salad...nope it was destine for the garbage can. So, if you are prone to hoof like heels, like me....RUN, don't walk, and purchase your Ped Egg. A word to the wise. I have read online that some people who ordered their Ped Egg's online were to avoid that, perhaps you should purchse one at the store. If you can't find one...let me know, I'll hook you up.


Darlene said...

I'm going to check and see if I can find this. I'm with you about the whole pedicure thing, I can't stand other people not only seeing my feet but touching them. I lucked out by running a hair salon for 5 years, so I have all the stuff to give myself a pedicure - However, I usually only do it in the summer, but it's such a chore. This looks quick & effective. We don't have a Walgreen's here, but I'll check some drugs stores & WalMart.

Netter said...

Let me know if you can't find one...I'll drop one in the mail to you. You won't regret the purchase...I'm telling you, it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Anonymous said...

We had some in the office, I would have passed one along to you had I known you were in need! Good to know they work :)

Tami said...

Wait a minute. You've been grating your feet?!? And it didn't hurt? Are they smaller now? Seriously, maybe I'll get one for my Dad - he hates it when his feet get like that.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it hurt?

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent blog that is related to Ped Egg that by using this product one can remove the dead cells from the feet. If anyone is having problem with feet one must apply ped egg.

Netter said...

Andi~ It doesn't hurt at all. You know in the commercial, they rub it over a balloon or a 'mater and it doesn't damage it...well, its really that gentle. I promise.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The commericial for that egg thingy is just about the grossest thing I've ever seen. It's right up there with the talking nail fungus guy and finger man. ICK!!

That being said, I'm glad that it works so well. Nothing says "middle age" like cracked heels. Another ICK!

Rockstar Mom said...

Sweeti did a post on this thing a few weeks ago too. I think she even started her first line with "I don't normally endorse products on my blog...."

Well, guess I better go splurge the $9.99 down at the Walgreens Pharmacy store and get one.

Two clever bloggers can't be wrong.