Earlier I was chatting on the phone with my Mother and getting stuff out to make dinner. I was winging it. I figured I'd make some kind of concoction involving pasta. Sam only eats Prego. Gag...not my favorite but it could always be worse. Anyway, I take the jar out of the upper cabinet and sit it on the counter top. No problem. I then dink around with a few other objects and I washing my hands. Then I decide to take a look to make sure I grabbed the right flavor of sauce so without picking the jar up, I tip it back at a 45 degree angle. My hands were slightly damp and the jar just slid from my grip and tipped over the rest of the way. The entire top and a section from the side of the jar shattered. This is the result. There were tiny, tiny bits of glass everywhere and even big old chunks of glass in the sauce. It was a pain in the but to clean up.
After that, I managed to cook a pretty taste dish...not with the broken sauce, of course, but a new jar that I managed to empty before I had a chance to break it too. Anyway, if you want to make a yummy sauce, try this: Saute half a sweet yellow onion in olive oil. Toss in a bunch of freshly chopped garlic...don't scrimp. Once that is done, stick in a little sauce. I only used a half a jar of traditional Prego. Then with the heat still on, take a small roll( I used one that was about 2 1/2- 3 inches long) of goat cheese and slice it into the sauce. Keep stirring it while it melts into the sauce. I then dumped a heaping mound of fresh spinach leaves in the sauce and kept stirring it around. Once the spinach was wilted into the sauce, I poured it over some freshly made pasta. Sam was in heaven. He took a bite and his eyes bugged out and he said, "NETT! What kind of sauce is this? It's SOOOO good!" Yep, sometimes the best meals are the ones you wing. By the way, the kid went back for heaping seconds so there will be no leftovers for lunch. It's a good thing, I guess, but it still makes me kind of sad. I like yummy leftovers.
Yum! I think I'm gonna try this recipe.
As for leftovers, I totally agree. Pasta with sauce usually tastes even better the next day.
Hhhmm, sounds delish, but it also sounds like a lot of work.
I think I'll stick to browning pork sausage.
You know, we should try adding crickets to pasta sauce.
Talk about "winging it".
I love the countertop.
Darlene, it was taste...you are right, pasta is always better the second day. I think its because the sauce soaks into the pasta.
Marianne~ You put pork sausage in your pasta? Really? I'd try that but Sam doesn't like pork...though he eats the pork ribs I make but maybe its because I tell him they are beef ribs.
DH~Thanks, you know, when I saw that stone at the yard, I knew it would be perfect in the kitchen. Nancy was easy to get on board...it took longer with Sam and Cliff didn't like it up until it was installed.
I love anything with goat cheese! Thanks for the recipe, I'll try it. You know, I've broken a big bowl and a large dish in the last two weeks. Gah!
Yum. Now, put on your recipe of macaroni and cheese!!
Sorry about your mess...I can imagine it was a bear to clean up. Kuddos for you for your pasta...I might have past out bowls and a box of cereal after the mishap ;-)
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
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