Sunday, October 28, 2007

OK, show Grammy where Middle C is located.

Grandchildren have it easy. I know for a fact that my Mother never would have allowed me to stand on her piano bench....never ever....EVER. To prove it, i'm going to try it when I go home for Christmas....I bet she yells at me. On top of that, she never would have let us bang on random keys for enjoyment purposes. Rue sure gets to. Yep, that is what its all about, torment your children and let your Grandchildren do any darn thing they want to do. It's OK. I know, I had Grandparents too. Shoot, that is why we used to love going to Grandma Kaster's house. She'd let us do about anything we wanted to do. You want a half a container of cool whip on your slice of got it. Another soda, sure, it didn't matter that you had already had 4. You wanted to eat dill pickles and ice cream, sure, whatever strikes your fancy. Plus you always went home with a pocket full of pennies and a sugar high that almost took signing into a detox clinic to come down off of. Grandma Slater was a little more strict but she still let you get away with stuff too. She had wind chimes hanging in each door frame on the first floor of the house and she'd let you run in circles through the house, smacking those chimes, so that they were always making noise. (Though secretly, I think she let us do that so we would crash early and she would have some peace and quiet.) You could sit under the table while the grown ups played cards and try to tie Great Uncle Rays shoe laces together. Ahhh, yes, those were the days.
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