Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ouchie Mama!

Thank good I didn't wear leather shoes. It could have been so much worse. At this point, I can't imagine that, but I'm sure its true. As it is, I'm going to be wearing flip flops for at least a week. It better not get much colder or I'm going to be pissed. Stupid frigging blisters. That is what happens when its raining like crazy and your Nike sneakers get wet, then your socks start to slip around and before long, you start walking like you are 100 years old. Yep, those are juicy blusters too. Thank goodness they didn't pop or I would be very very unhappy as apposed to just mildly unhappy. Believe me, there is a difference. The worst part of the whole deal is that I wanted to go on a haunted walking tour with Raine and Chris. Oy Friggin put a damper on my fun, that is for darn sure. I did have a good time at lunch and during the Frankenstein the Musical. I got to see the Monsters moobs. For those of you not in the know...moobs are man boobs. Raine pointed them out to me....not that you could miss them. I also enjoyed watching the monster spray everywhere. He was spitting up a storm while he sang. Somehow, I found it entertaining. They had just enough back lighting to make it stand out perfectly. The best part is when he was at the end of the stage and belted out a few notes, and the spray went out into the audience because the ladies in front of me jumped or flinched, depending on how you looked at it. They were in the second row, so they were safe...but it made me laugh. That and the fact that I knew I was safe if the spit did set a world record for travel because they were blocking the slobber with their big melon heads. Yeah, so besides the blisters, I had a good day, but I always have a good time with Raine...and Chris, I can't leave him out or he will get upset.
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Anonymous said...

That picture on the left looks nearly pornographic...haha. Ouch those look like they hurt! Poor Nett.

Netter said... reminds me of the moobs we saw at the show. You should see them today. I'm strictly on a flip-flop regiment. The weird part is that the blisters have so much fluid in them that sometimes I feel the fluid squishing around...its strange.

Millie said...

lol.. gotta agree with Raine. when I first saw the pic.. thought it was but cheeks... lol...