Tuesday, June 05, 2007

7is the magic number.

7 Random Things Meme
I've been tagged by Sue! I needed to post something so this should get me started again... Here are the rules:

List 7 random things about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 others. Leave a comment on their blog to direct them to your site to get the rules.

1. My favorite number is 7, what a cowinkadink.
2. I'm not one of those people that dislike the telephone....nope, not at all.
3. I recently came up with a great practical joke...hehe, take a bottle of suntan lotion that is almost empty and add a tube of "day time" Ben Gay....it doesn't have a strong odor like the original version. I know, I know its mean but I would love to see the look on their face as their arms and legs start to get really warm. You have to make sure they know it isn't made for the face though...so keep that in mind.You know you wish you came up with that idea first...so don't even try acting shocked.
4. I'm in a great mood because my camera was repaired, free of charge and I got it back today...Oh Happy Day!
5. I have not been reading my stock pile of books for quite sometime now. I should feel bad about that.
6. I love watching movies and have gone to 3 in the last week.
7. I'm so excited about my vacation...basically because I need a break from this house and all of the things that are breaking down around here. Let's face it, its time to see Rue again!

I'm not officially tagging anyone. Basically, I am breaking the rules but who is going to fine me fore it? The Blogger police?! I think not. If you read this, you can choose to do it or no, its up to you.


ollie1976 said...

Don't worry-when Sue tagged me, I didn't tag anyone either!

Peg said...

*snicker* When you start giving us ideas for highjinks, I know you're in a good mood.

Glad the camera is a-ok and ready to accompany you to see Rue!


Netter said...

Thanks for stopping by Ollie!

Peg~ lol, you are so correct! I always get a little frisky when its almost time for a trip home.

My Rue Rue...I can't wait to get my hands on her. I bought her 1/2 birthday present last weekend.

Anonymous said...

You know, I actually did that once? My hs bf's mother worked at a company that made lotion and stuff like that. She was always bringing home unmarked tubes of this and that. I used some of the hand lotion only to discover it was really ben gay type stuff! I can just imagine, sitting in the sun and starting to tingle! That would be entirely too freaky for words! You nut!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Love the Ben Gay trick.