dear friend pointed out something to me this afternoon on the phone. What might that be? Well, it is very close to my birthday and I have not been advertising my big day. WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT?! I don't know. Actually the funny thing is I actually almost blogged this morning about my first birthday card arriving yesterday. Yep...it did, but I'm not sure it counts. Its a card from the wonderful people at my local Hallmark store. Does it count? I do spend a lot of time in there, not to mention money. They do know me by name....at least a couple of the ladies do. I don't know. Oh hell, yeah, I'm counting it. Technically I received a
lovely, thoughtful, birthday present from
Sue a while back, so she got the ball rolling. I can't help it, I'm a birthday junky. It really has something to do with the cake and vanilla ice cream.
You know, when I was little, I loved it when Mom made me the bunny cake, leaving off the coconut of course. I tried to find a picture that did Mom's cake justice....but couldn't find one that was nice enough. That is why I put the bunny cupcakes on here...in honor of the bunny. As I got older, I became a huge fan of the Confetti Angel Food Cake, yummy. I still love it. It's high in sugar but its so good and fat free. I don't want frosting on it either...I'm a plain Jane when it comes to my CAFC.
Anyway, to get this out of the way, so I don't seem like I'm shirking my responsibility as a birthday lovin' fool....My Birthday is MAY 7th. Ahhhhhhh, that felt good.
You are a nut!! You are older than me right? Hmmm I wonder if you will blog about said birthday when you turn 50? LOL
I WILL....well, I will if you dare me to. lol. I figure each year is a gift. Who knows, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.
Well, COOL!
And don't go getting hit by a bus, for gawd's sakes.
I'll try to avoid being hit by a bus...but I don't know that you can avoid these kinds of things. I promise I won't jump in front of one though.
Brandy~ yeah by a year....and a few days.
Dear Netters Friends,
Hello. I am the Grand Prize Winner of Netter's 2nd Bloggerversary Contest.
Yes, that's right. I am the Grand Prize Winner. Please feel free to visit my web page thru my profile to see the wonderful, bottomless box of goodies I was blessed to receive.
I hate to say "I told you so".... aw hell, who am I kidding? I said I was lucky....and well....
So in case you didn't get that the first time...
Thank you Netters! This was an awesome box of surprises and laughs! I love it and you!
lol, Marianne, you are such a nut. Seriously! Did you like the knee pads?
Happy early bday!
I always end up blogging about my birthday. one because it is on the anniversary of D-Day and two it's also my blogiversary (stayed tuned as I am gonna run a contest for it this year )
Usually though I am griping about it as every year I hold out hope someone just one person in my family will acknowledge it's my birthday but it never happens and I get all ranty (usually after announcing it wont bother me lol)
Ok here you are just now tellin about your birthday and all. You could have let us know a little more ahead of time. Silly willy. You are great!! So happy early birthday!! Have a good weekend. Yes I know I waited till the day of to tell ya'll mine. lOL!@!
Its marked on my calendar. So you like Grandmas Angelfood cakes. Ha Ha
Well, I was wondering if you were ok since we usually have to hear about your birthday coming up for months ahead of time. I guess you did have your blogerversary to keep you occupied. I checked out Marianne's site - loved the explanation she gave her daughter for having knee pads in the bedroom!
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