Thursday, April 26, 2007

What was I thinking!

A dear friend pointed out something to me this afternoon on the phone. What might that be? Well, it is very close to my birthday and I have not been advertising my big day. WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT?! I don't know. Actually the funny thing is I actually almost blogged this morning about my first birthday card arriving yesterday. did, but I'm not sure it counts. Its a card from the wonderful people at my local Hallmark store. Does it count? I do spend a lot of time in there, not to mention money. They do know me by least a couple of the ladies do. I don't know. Oh hell, yeah, I'm counting it. Technically I received a lovely, thoughtful, birthday present from Sue a while back, so she got the ball rolling. I can't help it, I'm a birthday junky. It really has something to do with the cake and vanilla ice cream.
You know, when I was little, I loved it when Mom made me the bunny cake, leaving off the coconut of course. I tried to find a picture that did Mom's cake justice....but couldn't find one that was nice enough. That is why I put the bunny cupcakes on honor of the bunny. As I got older, I became a huge fan of the Confetti Angel Food Cake, yummy. I still love it. It's high in sugar but its so good and fat free. I don't want frosting on it either...I'm a plain Jane when it comes to my CAFC.
Anyway, to get this out of the way, so I don't seem like I'm shirking my responsibility as a birthday lovin' fool....My Birthday is MAY 7th. Ahhhhhhh, that felt good.


Yarn Tails said...

You are a nut!! You are older than me right? Hmmm I wonder if you will blog about said birthday when you turn 50? LOL

Netter said...

I WILL....well, I will if you dare me to. lol. I figure each year is a gift. Who knows, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

Kare said...

Well, COOL!
And don't go getting hit by a bus, for gawd's sakes.

Netter said...

I'll try to avoid being hit by a bus...but I don't know that you can avoid these kinds of things. I promise I won't jump in front of one though.

Netter said...

Brandy~ yeah by a year....and a few days.

Rockstar Mom said...

Dear Netters Friends,

Hello. I am the Grand Prize Winner of Netter's 2nd Bloggerversary Contest.

Yes, that's right. I am the Grand Prize Winner. Please feel free to visit my web page thru my profile to see the wonderful, bottomless box of goodies I was blessed to receive.

I hate to say "I told you so".... aw hell, who am I kidding? I said I was lucky....and well....

So in case you didn't get that the first time...







Thank you Netters! This was an awesome box of surprises and laughs! I love it and you!

Netter said...

lol, Marianne, you are such a nut. Seriously! Did you like the knee pads?

Unknown said...

Happy early bday!
I always end up blogging about my birthday. one because it is on the anniversary of D-Day and two it's also my blogiversary (stayed tuned as I am gonna run a contest for it this year )
Usually though I am griping about it as every year I hold out hope someone just one person in my family will acknowledge it's my birthday but it never happens and I get all ranty (usually after announcing it wont bother me lol)

Court said...

Ok here you are just now tellin about your birthday and all. You could have let us know a little more ahead of time. Silly willy. You are great!! So happy early birthday!! Have a good weekend. Yes I know I waited till the day of to tell ya'll mine. lOL!@!

Anonymous said...

Its marked on my calendar. So you like Grandmas Angelfood cakes. Ha Ha

Tami said...

Well, I was wondering if you were ok since we usually have to hear about your birthday coming up for months ahead of time. I guess you did have your blogerversary to keep you occupied. I checked out Marianne's site - loved the explanation she gave her daughter for having knee pads in the bedroom!