Nothin' to see here, people, move along. Ok, if you insist on staying, atleast take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. Once I get started...well, you could be here for a while. (Just ignore the typos. I do.) Yes, snacks are allowed as long as you share and clean up after yourself. Oh yeah, hey...if you happen to see my scissors around here, could you let me know. I could have sworn I had them right here a minute ago.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Notice to all women...this could happen to you too! (Click on the picture to read the small print)
I seriously thought the punch line was going to be some sort of "Brokeback Mountain" thing. He looks sort of like that guy Renee Zellweger married, only on on steroids.
Can't blog now I have to go to Walmart. If you don't hear from me again you know what happened. Are you sure that happened at Walmart. Because I have never seen anyone there with all their teeth. Oh isn't that what everyone is looking at.
I am going to Wal-mart tommorow!
Wait! What time are you going? I want to get there before you...
Love that!!
I wanna go to... Kent (hubby) who???
*Sigh* What a nice site to see!!!
Wow! That picture certainly begged for me to click on it!
Today your site was definitely nothing but net - thank you! That little rest of yours must have been just what you needed.
Hehe...Peg, I was certainly out of control today. Wait until my Mom see what's been going on. She'll just shake her head and say, "Annette."
must rethink that walmart ban of ours....
This cracked me right up.
Go Netter.
Wow! They can have my purse and my car!
I seriously thought the punch line was going to be some sort of "Brokeback Mountain" thing. He looks sort of like that guy Renee Zellweger married, only on on steroids.
Can't blog now I have to go to Walmart. If you don't hear from me again you know what happened. Are you sure that happened at Walmart. Because I have never seen anyone there with all their teeth. Oh isn't that what everyone is looking at.
lol, Vickie...OMG, that was a good one!
hehe Arent ya glad I sent it to you!!!
I am going to Wal-Mart right now.
but wait I am confused thought that she was taking them to another store what store was that I want to be there when they show
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