Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sometmes I choose to be nice....SOMETIMES...

LOL, last night I called my Aunt and Uncle in California. I was responding to an email from Aunt Carole. Anyway, Uncle Gary answered the phone and I said Hello but didn't identify myself. He answered with a typical greeting but I could just hear his gears spinning, trying to figure out who's voice he was hearing. I asked him if he knew who I was. Silence...hehe....and then I decided to cut him some slack and not take advantage of the PERFECT situation. I told him who I was and got an, "OHHHH" in response. It was just so fun, knowing I could have totally messed with his head. See! See! Sometimes I am nice. Don't get use to won't last for long.


Anonymous said...

People used to get me confused with my mother because we sounded so much alike. I was like.. uh I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Dang.... You really could have nailed a couple of people this week. Maybe you need to talk to Jeff some more and see if he will rub off on ya!! LOL

Cindy said...

Dad said that you guys talked for over an hour. I told him that it is hard to get you off of the phone. I did fail to mention that I am the same way.

Rockstar Mom said...

And sometimes I am a nice driver and I do nice things, like let someone cut in front of me without flipping them a one fingered salutation and vowing to spit upon their grave after I put them there with my ex-boy-friends .357 revolver. (Yep I kept it)

But more often, I'm not.

Netter said...

lol, Marianne~ Man, you need to take some anger management classes or something.

Cindy~ Yeah, you just forgot to add that little detail, didn't you. For shame.

Rockstar Mom said...

Yea, or something.


Jeez Nette, I'd never really shoot anyone...unless they hurt my kid, my boy-friend or my dogs, and they'd have to be in my yard or near my front door where I could drag a toe across the threshhold and claim they were attempting to burglarize my home.

or something.

Netter said...

Marianne~ LOL, you crack me up. Remind me to NEVER drag my toe across your threshhold unless I am yelling that I brought you booze. I have a feeling that I would live through that experience. Don't cha think!

Darlene said...

When people call here for my daughter, they always confuse us. I've learned a lot of juicy gossip that way. ;o)

Rockstar Mom said...

That's funny! Enter if you have wine. Or better yet, Tequilla! I'll make us some fresh lime margaritas! I got a really cool set...a pitcher & four margarita glasses. Been waiting for company to come over so I could use them.

Come on!!!