Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oink, Oink....

Lookie what I made. It took me forever. Plus I had to ask Brandy what one part of the directions meant and she was a great help, as always. I first saw this little guy over at Good Yarns. Sue made one with wings and I knew I had to try to make one. Except I left off the wings and placed his ears wider apart and added a tuft of hair between them. I made his snout a little different also and his legs are a little lumpy but HEY, he should be happy to have legs at all! I noticed that Sue also has a turtle on her site. I may have to see if I can make it. I know I want to try a little bunny and a carrot for Easter. I'm not saying I will make it for this Easter, maybe for next.


Anonymous said...

What shall we name him?

Anonymous said...

well i have to leave a coment on wife's blog , cause i get lost on mine. this little pggy went to market and he didnt get sold . this little is gonna live with netter until he grows old. boy i hope you dont get hungry for pork bbq in you sleep netter,

Netter said...

Dani~ I'm calling him Pork Chop.

Mr, He'd be pretty stringy, wouldn't he.

Anonymous said...

He's adorable! Nice job, Netter! He's as cute as can be!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I have to have someone help me with any crafty projects!!!


Rockstar Mom said...

A very clever idea. Nicely done Netters!