Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ewww...that doesn't look right!

When you visit the Leach house, you never know what you will find. These are Chris' shoes and he stuck an apple in one. I'm not sure why. It totally grossed me out though. When he was a kid, he had chronic foot fungus. He doesn't anymore, but I have terrible memories of his feet. He used to love to stick them on my lap when I was sitting on the sofa. Ewww and they were like a rain forest, they had a high humidity level. I swear his feet were always damp. It didn't matter how long he had his socks off...they were clammy. His doctor told him to spray his feet with Arid Extra Dry and believe it or not, it helped.
Somehow, looking at his salt stained leather shoes...from all that tromping around Washington DC and his blue insoles, well, frankly cause damp feet flashbacks. He headed back to DC this afternoon, but I noticed their was an apple in the fridge, similar in looks to the one that was in his shoe. All I know is...I wasn't going to eat any apples at the Leach house this weekend...maybe for a month, just to be safe.


Anonymous said...

ewwwwwwwwwwww on so many different levels!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he thought the blue liners in his shoes came from the cardboard packing that comes in the box of apples. You know thses young kids today. So he likes a little dalt on his apples. Gross

Netter said...

Eww, know, I might agree if he wasn't such a friggin smart guy.

Rockstar Mom said...


Just Ew.

The end.



Netter said...

I know!

It's really gross.

That is why I had to take a picture of it and post about it.

It's just wrong.