Thursday, April 05, 2007

Annoying things that I do...number 3

I'll date your dust. Yep, if you have a nice china cabinet that you always forget to dust, at some point I have opened it up while you were out of the room...and later you will discover that I have written that days date in the dust. I don't tell you about it, of course. It's fun to wait to see if it is still there the next time I visit. If it is, I will leave it and write the current date under it. It really works great on dark wood. People just love it when I do that...LOVE IT! Oh, it doesn't have to be a china can be anything really. However, I do NOT write "wash me" in the dirt on your car...I'm always afraid it will scratch the finish. Nope, I leave that to other people. I mainly stick to things in the house. I used to just write things like,"Hi!" but its more shocking when you see the date(s) and realize how long its been since you dusted there.

Don't kid yourself, it doesn't take much dust to leave a date behind. Shoot, in the spring when we have the windows open a lot, I could date our dust in just a couple of days. Lucky for me...I managed to sweep it away before some annoying person like myself, comes along to wreck havoc. Well, I'm off to dust my bedroom. The top shelves REALLY need a once over...make that a twice over.


Anonymous said...

Heck Netter, you'd need a shovel to get through the dust in my house. It's not on the top of my list. Somehow, I lose interest after cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sue. I hate dusting and I live by a dirt street. I dust and two days later its BACK!!

Have a good one..


Rockstar Mom said...

You and Mollie would have a blast together. She likes to draw pictures on the TV screen, and you could date them.

Two weeks ago, I discovered a girl walking her dog along my TV. She's still walking. I bet that dog is tired by now.

Anonymous said...

You better not come to my house anymore. You will get writers cramp.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you dont live closer to me! Man I would find dates all over my house. LOL This one is too funny! LOVE IT!!

Darlene said...

There are some places in my house I'm sure are growing potatoes because of the dust...It was my daughter's job - she's on strike - even when she wasn't, she still did a shitty job.

Anonymous said...

haha This entry made me think of the time I was behind a REALLY dirty truck. Someone had written "I wish my girlfriend was this dirty." LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Danielle LOVES to write "I Love Boy George" on my vehicle when it needs washed. It slightly irritates me, I mean any one but Boy George.


Peg said...

You keep your friends on their toes, don't you! I would have a whole calendar of dates written on some of my shelves.

Actually, a lot of my horizontal surfaces wouldn't be that dusty - we usually have projects we're working on, magazines, newspapers, coffee cups, etc. laying all over. I pick everything up once a week and put it back where it belongs. Now I realize I should just let it all lay there, if it stops the end tables and hutch from getting dusty. LOL