Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thank you Amy!

My friend Amy made a cake for Bunny Rue Rue's baptism. Not to say that we poured cake on her head instead of holy water, but we ate it after lunch. Bunny Rue Rue's cousins on her Daddy's side were kind of flipping out at the idea of eating her nose. Something about eating baby boogies.
Yeah, well I couldn't resist...I ate that little nose up to a few "Ewwww's"...and let me tell you, it was super good and I'm proud to report that there were no boogies in site. Yep the only thing you could see was super moist cake and the coffee I spilt on my Pops "the Baby Hog", remind me to tell that story later.


Darlene said...

ahahah This story was funny until you got to the 'baby boogies' see, I have a thing with boogies - any boogies...They make me throw up...I would change a diaper with poop right up to the neck instead of wipe one boogie filled nose....LOL

Netter said...

lol...yeah, boogies are gross and honestly if the picture actually had a picture of a booger filled nose, I would not have eaten it. Actually, we would have used a different picture for the cake.

Anonymous said...

It was good cake. I had some. Baby Rue is so cute.

Netter said...

It was good cake and she is a cutie pie, but of course, she takes after me. lol.

Tami said...

I simply must get to Tecumseh and see this baby firsthand. Is Tisha going back to work or will she stay at home?

Anonymous said...

There is something canabalistic abou that piece of cake but I'm sure it's just the way it looks on my computer screen.

Netter said...

Tami~ She can't work until the Doctor gives her the OK. You should meet her at my parents house, she comes into town a lot. I'll give you guys each others numbers.

Sue~ yeah, you are right, thank goodness we didn't go with red velvet cake, huh!