Someone asked how he got the lights up like that. Well, what you can't see are the two large maple trees its between and the branch that it is hanging off of. Now if you ask my Father how he got it up there, this is what he would say. "Well, it took a ladder and a lawn chair." He would go on to explain that he sent my Mom up the ladder while he sat in the lawn chair. Of course he had to get up and hold the ladder a few times. He says she got up the ladder alright but she had some trouble getting down, he had to tell her where to put her feet." Yeah, that is what he is telling EVERYONE! Don't you wish you had a husband like that?! Anyway, see all the spots that look like the lights are out? Those are actually where branches cross in front of the lights. I'm sure you will be happy to know that Mom and I took down all the Christmas lights before it rained and snowed, and most importantly, while Pop was at work. You see, that way, things got put away the way properly, not just crammed in boxes, taking up twice as much space. That is if they even made it into a box. More on the Baby Hog in later posts.
Your Dad sounds like a real barrel of laughs...LOL
Pops is a barrel of something alright. Let's ask Aunt Vickie what she thinks it is...lol.
Your Dad is a hoot!
This MUST be why you and I got along so well. Both our families are a little....OFF.
DH~ he's something alright!
Tami~ Yeah, must be, although I think you will agree that is very hard being the only normal people in a family of goofballs. They seriously need full time supervision.
Your father said next time he puts it up, he is going to add more lights up and down angled out.. I hope to hell, he has someone else help him with it, cause it is not easy getting that thing up there and positioned like he wants it.. Besides, I'd never be able to lift it, it would take a winch truck to pull it up into the branches, if they(the branches) are even stong enough to hold the whole contraption up there...And he wants something bigger at the top.. the man is looney!!! I tell you looney!!!
You are telling me this? I KNOW! lol, Mom and just think, you married him...what does that make you? huh...lol!
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