Saturday, January 06, 2007

How to attract hot firemen to your home.

Perhaps, this should be titled, how NOT to attract hot firemen to your home. Well, We had three pillar candles burning in the fireplace, like we have done for years. Suddenly the wax caught on fire and the whole fireplace was in flames. Of course the vent wasn't open because it has never opened (we never have a real fire going for that very reason...just a few harmless candles....haha) and the glass doors on the front of the fireplace suddenly didn't want to open up without the whole thing coming off and its not such an easy task to try to open them with oven mitts on because the metal is now searing hot. So, the house started to fill with smoke and we opened the window because we were afraid the fire alarm would go off. I mean the fire WAS contained it was just so damn hot, I was nervous and called the fire dept to get their suggestions. I explained the story and the guy said, "Oh, well, I'll just send a guy over to take a look." Fine, but a few minutes later we had a hell of a lot more than one or two guys at our door. At one point I think there were eight fire department SUV's and ofcourse they had to bring the big rig. They had the whole street blocked of and for a second I thought there was a parade going on outside. Seriously, you would think the whole friggin house was in flames. The funny part, is by this point the wax fire had burnt out. Well, I think the guys were bored or something because they proceeded to make a friggin mess on the off white carpet upstairs. I don't blame them, they were just checking to make sure that the fire didn't escape the fireplace. I mean, you could still feel the heat coming of the bricks. So the guys ripped off the glass and metal doors, then they"fixed" the flue so it opens and by "fix" I mean they tore that sucker friggin off and squirted some flame retardant up there. I tried to tell them that the embers that dropped were from the hammer the chimney guys dropped in there last fall when they put in a new liner on the other chimney. Do you know what a can of flame retardant does when it drips down, mixes with black soot from the fire and drips out onto the off white carpet? It creates a holy friggin mess. They put a ladder up to the roof, took off the roof cap and looked down it to make sure everything was fine. but they did this as they pulled the entire flue down and all the broken brick from the old liner came crashing down into the liquid stuff that was all over. Don't get me wrong, it was the right thing to do....I just wasn't looking forward to the clean up. I still have more to do tomorrow.
The guys sure were nice and several were very HOT...but in a good way. They got to use all of their fun equipment, like the camera that reads the heat in walls and such. They were running all over the house. Yes, hot men, all over the house, chatting it up with me... however, it wasn't worth the mess. There has to be a better way to meet men.

Don't worry, We are laughing about this now. Earlier, it wasn't so funny.


Kare said...

omg. Only you, Netter. ROFL.

Darlene said...

omg! LOL That whole experience sounds not fun & fun at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Netter the excitement just follows you eveywhere. Glad everything is ok. Don't let Jeff find out about this He will say burning candles are a fire hazard. He always say something to me. I listen like he does. Insurance men.

Netter said...

Let me just say, it was very interesting....very indeed. I've been working on the carpet and it is looking cleaner than before this all happened. Of course I was shitting bullets when I first saw it afterward and once I got the bissel cleaner out, I knew I didn't have to stress quite as much. I'm surprised I didn't suck up all the carpet while I was working on it, yep we don't have a huge bald spot yet. Vickie, can you imagine the mess we would have had if it wasn't in the chimney when the candles went nuts. I'd sooooo be living at the Leaches. You know, I'm usually very careful about candles anyway but this kind of scary. I think it wouldn't have happened if we hadn't been using cheap pillars.

Millie said...

O.K. so, whose brainy idea was it to burn the candles??? not yours, I hope, but it sounded like it, or you wouldn't have made the remark about living at the Leaches...I use to like candles, but I am getting more and more against them.. I don't understand how some people can have a candle or two burning in every room at the same time.. I am getting a little freaky about that... I am turning more and more to the battery operated tealights if I want a candle effect without any scents...Call me weird if you want, but I'd rather be safe than sorry......

Netter said...

No, it wan't my idea, but I have done it before too... It was so odd the way the flipped out. But has had good results. The carpet is very clean, thanks to me.

Netter said...

Anyway Mom, I'd rather stay with the Leaches than at a hotel with these guys. Who wouldn't!?

Tami said...

Well, did you at least get a phone #? Were any of them Italian? When I was in Chicago, the Italian policement were SO HOT! but short. Oh, wait, I'm married - have to keep remembering that. BUT you're not so I'll make you a deal - I'll look, you date, and then tell me about it.

Netter said...

Italians?! They are short, atleast the ones around here. I may have to work something out with you, this could be a good deal for me. However, do I have to tell you EVERYTHING? That could get me in trouble. lol.

Rockstar Mom said...

Dear Netter,

One time, I got several firemen to come to my house too. But it wasn't for a fire. My kid got hit by a car. Thanks be to God that she is okay now and everyone asked me if any of the firemen were hot. I honestly couldn't tell you. But I do remember that the one police officer was rather stunning.

Later, my kid joked about it and said "Mom, I was only trying to get you a date." I told her I didn't want her getting hit by anymore cars. If she wants me to date a fireman, we will go hangout at the next pancake supper fund raiser at the fire department!

Glad your place didn't burn down. Hope you enjoyed the view.


Netter said...

Mare~ Oh Goodness, so glad your daughter was OK, that's scary. The view was great if you could ignore the smoke and the mess they made on the carpet.