Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Last night

The moon looked so pretty shining on the bay last night...I had to take a picture and post it for everyone, just for the heck of it. By the way, no baby news. You know, people have to stop calling my cell phone when I'm out and about, unless you have baby news for me. People must think my purse is on fire when I tear into it looking for my ringing cell phone. Don't bother asking if she had the baby yet...TRUST ME...you will know when she has it. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

That is beautiful. I wish I had a view like that in my back yard. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous!

Netter said...

I know, wasn't it pretty. I was scrambling to find my camera.

Anonymous said...

Very 'mantic. Not so 'matic: The kikis had thier snip-snip today. Poor bubies!

Netter said...

Poor, poor kikis....they will never feel that manly again. I think Tisha would like to have that done to Dewey but he won't consent.

Darlene said...

Oh my god - what a breathtaking picture!

Anonymous said...

Blogger is just eating my comments up!

Stunning Picture!