Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our Kitchen contractor is a drama queen

OK, he doesn't smoke,wear wigs or cross least to my knowledge but never say never. It's just that he over reacts and gets everyone all worked up in to a tizzy. It's pissing me off, especially since it usually ends up being nothing. I mean, sure you can point out possible problems but don't run around with your head in your hands doing a chicken little dance, screaming, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Geezus, I want to slap him and tell him to get a grip before he jumps off the deep end and pulls these guys with him. I have to live with them when they get all excited and start freaking out and frankly, I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
Good news, the back of the house isn't falling off exactly. No, but picture this. The house has a slight capital "L" shape to it and the inside of the "L" is sinking, not because of the foundation...good news, but because of water damaged to the inside support beams. Easy enough, Just jack up the house an eighth of an inch and replace all the rotted wood, then add an extra support beam in that corner just for fun. DONE! He didn't believe out architect so he brought his own in and he told him the same thing that ours did. I'm standing there listening to the guys and our contractor kept saying, "Oh my God this is such a big deal"...ect, ect. His architect kept telling him that it wasn't anything special, its not something that requires a specialist, its a simple repair job and our contractor is not completely listening to I finally had to say, Mike, cool your jets. Listen to what John is telling you. If you think you can't handle the job then I'll let Cliff and Nancy know and we will find someone else to do this and the kitchen." That shut Chicken Little right up. He's going to hate me by the time I get done with him and its not my fault.


Darlene said...

LOL is he gay? he sounds like a total drama queen.

Netter said...

I don't think he's gay...but my Gay-dar has failed me before. He's a friggin nightmare, that's what he is.

Unknown said...

Hey Nett!! I finally got caught up on reading your blog. Men are such pains in the you know what.. When will they learn to listen..Geez!! Hope you are coming out of your funk. Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Is he another victim of your paint program? LOLOL Sometimes drama queens can make life fun, sometimes, and in your case... not so much.

Netter said...

Miyon~ nope, I didn't have anything to do with that lovely pic, I googled it and tada...its gracing my site.

Brandy~ I'm sure my family would say I'm always in a funk of some sort, but I am feeling mighty chipper lately. Thanks!

Netter said...

I'll file that advice away for now. I don't want to have assult charges filed against I think I will try something else

Kare said...

omg! It's Mike Holmes, isn't it? I knew he was a fake. I just knew it!
; )

Kare said...

he give me the creeps.

Netter said...

Kare, lol...nope its not Mike Holmes...but there is something creepy about that guy, isn't there.