Monday, October 30, 2006

Like Mother, like Son...

I caught my Pop snooping out the front window. It's a small town but there is usually a lot going on if you know where to look. My Grandma Evelyn was big into looking out the window to see who was driving by or what the neighbors were doing. Her chair was always in a good window watching position and as she got older, she couldn't get around well, but she sure could stretch that neck and squint those eyes to see who was coming down the road.
Now if you ask my Pop, he will tell you that he was looking at his lawn. He's anal about crab grass. Zach, my Godson/cousin...Pops Nephew, told me to go in the house and say, "Man, you sure have a lot of Crab grass growing in the yard!" So I did. Boy, Pop got all worked up over that. Zach said that Pop was always spraying for crab grass. Hey, if it keeps my Pop out of trouble, I'm all for his current lawn fetish.
I think Pop was probably checking to see what his neighbor Jesse was up to. They are good buddies and live to give each other a hard time. If you want to keep ahead of the neighbors, you have to know what they are up to when they think you are not looking. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom has her spot on the front porch. It's a great place to keep tabs on the neighbors and pass the time of day. My house is oriented toward the backyard so elephants wearing parachuts could land in the front yard and I'd never know it!