Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let's go on the Ferris wheel...

Well, they were 45 minutes late picking me up from the airport, but atleast I got a ferris wheel ride out of it. Long story...

I got off the plane and as I was walking to baggage claim I was looking for Deanna and the kids. I didn't see them anywhere and then I started to get paranoid. I just knew they were hiding behind something, watching me looking around for them...and they were laughing. Hey, I know them....and they are a lot like, it made sense. Once I hit the bathroom, and picked up my luggage and I still had not spotted them I knew that they hadn't shown up yet. I got out my cell phone, called them and they said they got stuck behind some rock trucks in a construction zone and so the were held up. They would be there in 20 minutes. Fine, I went upstairs and bought a present for someone and then I went outside and waited. 20 minutes sight of them. Finally Zach called and said they were close and would be there soon. Another 20 minutes.....they finally showed up. The kids ratted on their Mother, explaining how she got lost and followed a hotel truck to the airport. In the end, it was Kelsie who spotted the sign for the turn to the airport. Anyway, when they pulled up I told them they were not getting a tip. Our first stop was to a HUGE sports store to get Zach sneakers for basketball. They had a ferris wheel there and I got suckered into riding on that thing with the kids while Deanna bought their stuff. Kelsie aka Skeeter insisted on riding with me so that meant that Zach and Kelsies friend Alyssa had to ride together. Let me just say, neither of them were to happy about that. Of course, I had to snap a picture of their dirty look while Kelsie was making kissing noises and saying things like..."Look at the lovers...Kissy, kissy! Keep your hands to yourself Zach!" Personally, I think Zach and Alyssa handled it pretty well...I would have kicked Kelsies butt the second we got off that ride, if I were them.
We went out for lunch, then hit a couple of stores. At Super Target I bought the kids these HUGE pumpkins for $2.99 each. We were sure they must be labled wrong because they were REALLY BIG pumpkins. They were so big that two of them took up the entire cart and the third one had to sit on the top of them. The cart was pretty hard to push too. We didn't have time to carve them....but I hope they do it before Halloween. Posted by Picasa

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