Friday, October 20, 2006

I'd be embarassed too.

Someone is having their car worked on so they are borrowing the Honda so they can get to work. She came in, got the key and left. The next thing I know, she walked back in and and was calling my name, asking where I was. She came downstairs and asked me, "What's the trick to starting the car?" I said, "It won't start? That's strange. Did you have the clutch pushed all the way in?" The facial expression was priceless...if only I had had a camera...IF ONLY! She said, "OMG, I forgot it wasn't an automatic transmission!" With a nervous laugh she went up stairs saying how embarrassed she was, and I said not to worry about it, its an easy mistake. Honestly, if it were me, I would have felt pretty dumb too...its not the first time she has driven that car. I'm just happy that my day has not started out like seems to be a good day so far.


Unknown said...

Thats kind of sort of funny!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yesterday my day started out on ONE OF THOSE notes. I just think God knows I do stupid things all the time, oh Lord--all the time, in fact I did two utterly pricelss dumb things yesterday and all I can do is laugh...oy vey.

Anonymous said...

I still can't find the horn on my new car which I've had for over a year!! Kinda takes the umph out of honking at someone when it's 10 seconds too late and they're already gone! Sheesh! It's all just part of the hamster wheel of life.

Netter said...

Oh man Ladies, life is all about laughing at our silly moves.

Anonymous said...


That's a funny story. You're like the fix-it lady around there -- I think I need you at my house!! How much do you charge an hour???