Monday, September 18, 2006

Susanne and Troels

I was so happy to recieve an email from Susanne yesterday. I missed her wedding last May in Denmark. She sent me a quick email, catching me up on what she is up to and how they are doing. They moved to Switzerland shortly before their wedding and I'm sure it has been a whirl wind 6 months. I'm hoping that Ylenia contacts me again soon so I can put them in touch with one another again. The are living much closer now and I'm sure Susanne will be overjoyed when she hears Ylenia had a baby girl in May. It sure explains why we have not heard from her. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Millie said...

i'm glad you finally heard from her..Such a pretty picture.. They definitely look happy!!! Switzerland? I thought they were going to live in Germany....