Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hehe...well, you know its going to happen. Heck, Moms and Dads are blogging about their kids all over the world and its only a matter of time before children find out about it and taunt one another with that knowledge. It's bound to happen. Heck, I already blog about my parents so they can be Thank goodness my Mother doesn't have a blog. She'd be posting about how I have driven her absolutely nuts over the last couple of weeks with nightly hour phone calls. At this point, she is sick of my voice. Hehehe....yeah well, that is part of the hardship that falls upon you when you give birth to a daughter who likes to blab. My family memebers are not phone people, that is a fact that I am willing to live with but only because I don't have a choice in the matter. It sucks, but then again, I know they are ranting that I'm a phone person and they can't stand it. So anyway, let's hope my Father never learns to run a computer. I won't be safe from the torture that will insue. I know him, he will make stuff up.


Anonymous said...

hahaha That is FUNNY! lolol

Rockstar Mom said...

But it's our jobs as parents to torment out children!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's our only legal way of getting even with the subversive little brats. Did I just say that? Shame on me!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean that your mom doesn't have a blog site I check it out all the time. Sorry Millie I wasn't supose to tell her was I .Am I the one that you are talking about that don't like the phone.

Darlene said...

ahahahaha Funny comic. Yeah, I haven't told my mother about my blog either...She lives a million miles away, but there's just some stuff I don't want her to read....

Cindy said...

It is a good thing that I like to talk on the phone. We can spend 3 hours on the phone and not blink an eye. LOL

Chelie said...

that comic made me laugh so hard, because I know people who would actually say that LOL

Unknown said...

It is definitely a parents right to torture their children.. I completely adore it!! LOL Cute comic!!

Netter said...

Vickie~ Goooood Try! My Mother doesn't have a blog. I'd know about it. Plus I keep her on the phone so she doesn't have time to start a blog.

I know ladies....I cracked up when I saw that cartoon. Very cute, very indeed.

Desperate Housewife said...

My little guy just turned three and while I'm not torturing him yet, I've got it all planned out. I have a slew of naked pictures of him ready to show to his prom date.

Netter said...

DH~ For Shame! LOL, I love the way you think.

Netter said...

Cindy~ WE sooo can spend 3 hours on the phone...I think we have several times. What can I say, time flies when you are having fun.

Millie said...

Daughter #1: YOU do not know everything I do!!! so don't go tootin your horn to loudly!!! What Vickie knows, stays with Vickie!!!!Right Vickie???

Netter said...

LOL...Mother dear, have you forgotten who you are dealing with? I may just have to start calling you MORE often. Keep it up!

Kare said...

Ha! This is where I saw that comic! It cracks me up. My daughter has actually told me things and then said,"Don't put it on your blog, k?".