Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I was wrong about Tooches age. He isn't 18 years old...nope, Raine told me last weekend that he is 20 years old. He's getting little white hairs in his fur, his whiskers are turning white. He has some aches and pains from arthritis and he sleeps a lot, but let me tell you, he has moments where you would swear that he is a kitten. He can still smell out a nice piece of meat, he knows when you are trying to watch TV that he can stand in front of you and block the view and that you will pet him until he drools with love. Tooches is the king of the Kitties. If I didn't think Raine would hunt me down and kill me, I would have snatched Tooch a long time ago. I just adore the old guy! Posted by Picasa


Kissiffer said...

Thanks Nette. It is a really nice picture :) I am afraid to say though that poor T.R.E has been suffering quite a lot for the past couple of days and I would like people to say a little prayer for him. His hind legs have started to give way and he is having a lot of difficulty walking at the moment. I have been taking him to see various specialists for the past couple of days and it appears one of the immediate problems are his kidneys, which are not in good shape. There could potentially be other problems, but I am hoping and praying that a few days in hospital will help get his kidney levels back to normal (and hopefully make him better). As I mentioned, if you could spare a prayer for little Toochies that would be wonderful and much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is one old kitty. I'll say a prayer for him. *sniff*

Netter said...

Oh, my poor little Tooches! Keep me posted on his conditon.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to see them get in that shape when they get old. Been there and done that. Its funny how much they become a part of your family.