Thursday, August 24, 2006

Note to self:

You know how your fabric scissors say "Razor sharp" on the side of the blade? Well, they are, so if you become startled by something and the scissors fly out of your hands, DO NOT try to catch them before they hit the ground. It will result in a deep, painful gash in the tip of your index finger...yes, and it will bleed like crazy before you finally get it under control. Yes, and it will keep popping open because you use your hands a lot. Band-aids don't really do the trick so you will have to run out and get some of that "second skin" stuff and for double insurance, you will have to put a big band-aid over the tip of your finger. Typing will not be so easy because everytime you push a key with that finger, you will feel your heartbeat throbbing in your finger. So, remember, let the damn scissors fall where they may.


Anonymous said...

You should go to the Doctor and have a stitch and get a tentus shot.Take care.

Anonymous said...

Owie! That's gotta hurt!

My husband is always complaining about the big iron shaped burn on the carpet but I told him that if a hot iron falls off the ironing board, I'm not going to catch it! Take care, sweetie.

Netter said...

Vic~ I'm good on the tetnus shot...and I don't really think I need a stitch if I can keep it from breaking open on my own. I cleaned it up really well so I think it should be fine. If I get will be able to say, "I told you so!" lol.

Sue~ Why didn't I just let it fall?! They weren't hot...but those buggers sure are sharp.

Chelie said...

I hope your finger feels better soon, since you use your hands a lot *ahem* lol.

Netter said...

Me no likey either!

Millie said...

Now, why do you suppose they always told you Don't run with scissors.. Same effect if you fall with them.. You get cut...or stabbed...Maybe it should be "don't run with scissors, or try to catch scissors if falling"....