Thursday, July 06, 2006

If there is a remote chance...go for it!

I recieved an email a few weeks ago and being the skeptic that I am, I had to try it out to see if it would really work.

Here is the jist of the email. If you are locked out of your car and it is new enough that it uses key chain remotes to lock and unlock your car, you can save money and time by not calling a locksmith. Here is how it works.

Use your cell phone, or borrow a cell phone and call the person that has access to your spare remote. While you are standing within a foot of your car, have them click the unlock button. Guess what! It will actually unlock your car. It doesn't matter if you are at the grocery store, in your drive way or 1,000 miles from home. If your cell signal is not cutting out, you will be able to get into your car.

How wonderful is that! You will never have to wait for someone to bring you an extra set of keys. Well, that is unless you completely lost your keys, if the are locked in the car, you are set...otherwise you still have to have the key replaced.


Blue Sky said...

did you try this? I never knew I'll have to try it. hope your forth went well.

Netter said...

Richard, I tried really worked! I was in shock. The next time you are at the store, call Lexie and have her unlock your doors for you.

Olivia Twist said...

Hey nett....Yep, I DOES work. Wow. I've had to run him a set of keys before because he locked them in the car. Of course I didn't have to drive far, he was right down the road, but still. COOL.:-)

Netter said...

This will save a lot of people some money on gas, won't it.

Anonymous said...

No way! Isn't that cool!

Anonymous said...

technology sure is something isn't it?