Thursday, June 29, 2006

What better way to spend a Sunday...

...then up to your elbows in SIN. Yes, I went to the Museum of Sex last Sunday with Raine and Kissiffer. It was interesting to say the least. Kissiffer was very funny and Raine kept shooshing him because he was talking rather loud at times. I was having a great time but then again, I'm not much of a prude. lol.
The Event that they were showing this week was called "Stags, smokers & Blue Movies: The origins of American Pornographic Film" It said that up to the late sixties, the predominant form of pronographic film was short, usually black and white, and anonymously produced, known variously as the stag, blue movies, or "smokers," so called because of the smoke-filled rooms where men would gather for screenings. They had classic stag films playing that you could watch. There were shown on tables like screens. I watched for a little while but they were kind of boring...although, a lot of people were enjoying them, atleast they stood and watched the whole show. Maybe they just wanted to get as much for their buck as they could.

They had some thought invoking art work that I caught Kissiffer putting some serious thought into. Well, barnyard antics in oil, who wouldn't stop and check it out? Honestly, the museum was kind of interesting. They had models of sex machines that people had made and were trying to manufacture and sell...I won't go into details but they were interesting...and its not like you could hide them in your house. Ofcourse if you are into kinky cyber stuff, you probably are not hiding it from your neighbors. Raine said if Kissiffer brought home a chair like the one pictured, she probably wouldn't go near it. She was right, it kind of looks like something from a sci fi flick where the minute you sit down, metal bars clasp you and hold you in place. I need to pick up some Christmas presents for people at the muesum, oh the fun things I'll be wrapping. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Keep John from the museum. The things you do just amazes me.

Netter said...

lol...what's so amaizing about visiting a museum? OK, so the sex museum is a little out of the ordinary but what can I say...I have never been called boring. You only live once...try it all....uh with in reason ofcourse.

Unknown said...

OH my gosh....I could never ever ever take my hubby into a place like that....He would embarrass the hell out of me!!! Sounds like a great place to visit, I think??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh Netter I saw you eyeing up quite a few things in the museum shop--and what was that one you kept staring at? Wasn't it called--The King Kong? I think I have just the stocking it might actually fit in!

Netter said...

Raine! That is sooo not true! That thing might fit in a stocking...but that isn't what I was worried about! Speaking of toys...did Kissiffer use that thing he bought for you guys!?

Anonymous said...

What the heck?! Only in New York!!

Olivia Twist said...

That is sooooooooooo cool. Wouldn't find anything like that here. I wanna go, I wanna go. Sooooo cool.