Monday, June 19, 2006

The Lake House

People panned this movie....seriously gave it bad reviews. I had decided not to see it until video because of that. Then Sam saw it and said he put it in his list of top five movies. I was like, "REALLY?!" OK, so I had to see it after he told me that.

Most of the reviews said it was illogical...hello, its a movie...when you watch a movie you except what you see as FACT and don't worry about stuff. Save the logic for a documentary...sheesh! A lot of reviewers said it was hard to follow. After watching it, I have decided they are idiots. I had no problem following or understanding how the show worked. Its a magical fantasy chick flick people...don't get so keyed up about it. Would I put it in my top 5? Hell no, but I could easily find myself watching this agian when it hits cable. Be warned, there are parts of the show that are slow, but I was never bored. Overall, I'm glad I watched it in the theatre. Don't let the reviewers lead your life, see it and decide for youself. Hey, it was much better that that new Jack Black movie...Nacho..something, I cant remember the name of it. Click the title link to see a preview of the movie.


Anonymous said...

Well...there doesn't seem to be much in the romcom way lately so I will most likely go and see this one...which makes me sort of irriatated because I was invited to a preview last month and thought that it sounded kind of...well...roll my eyes, what the heck? type silly. Sigh, but when the hubby is away for a week and there is nothing else out...what is a girl to do I ask you?

Chelie said...

I don't worry about what other people say about movies. I have a friend who would always criticize my choices at the movie rental place because "her friends told her it was a bad movie" or "a lot of people say its really stupid"....screw that. If I want to watch a movie, I want to watch a movie. People said Hide and Seek was bad, but I liked it because it had a major twist in it.

Anonymous said...

A movie is a movie is a movie. It doesn't have to be the be-all end-all of all movies! I'm glad to hear you say you liked it. I rarely listen to movie critics - they don't like anything!

Netter said...

Sue, I know, I rarely agree with critics...they always hate movies that I enjoy. You know what they say, you don't have to be the smartset tool in the shed to be a critic. when I see a show, I like to believe that everything I am seeing is reality....atleast until it ends.

Millie said...

I have learned that 99 per cent of the time, if the critics say it is bad, it is usually pretty good and the ones they say are the greatest are ABSOLUTELY thee worse. I don't put much stock in critics.. I go with my own gut feellings...

Netter said...

...and yet you still married Dad? What were you thinking?!

sara said...

I never, never listen to critics. Offspring and I saw this movie and I just BAWLED. It is actually based on a Korean movie named "Il Mare." Being the fan of oriental movies, and knowing that the couple rarely ends up together (at least in the ones I've seen), I was incredibly nervous. Thank heaven it had an "American" ending. Haven't seen the Korean version yet.

Netter said...

I didn't knwo they based it off of a Korean movie! Thanks for that info. I'll have to look for it, I love subtitles.