Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Please read the sixth row, for me.

I've come to the conclusion that I need to have my eyes checked again. I used to go once a year but they started telling me that I could come every two or three years. Whenever I listen to them and don't go in, my sight changes again. I noticed the other day that things were not as clear when I closed my right eye and used my left. There was a slight blur. At first I thought I had a smudge on my lens. Checked that out and that was a negative. I swear! I'm just going to go every year and let them tell me over and over that I don't have to come back the next year. Seriously, I am a little protective of my eyesight. I'm a visual person and I really don't want to mess around with my eyesight. I wonder if I can get in at home....hmmm. Maybe I will just go out here, but I really don't like the two guys I have been to out here. Hmmmm....Mom, make an appointment for me when I have to drive you and Tisha because you have to have your eyes dilated.....that should work.


Unknown said...

My left eye is weaker than my right eye and the eye doctor said that is normal. He said I need my right eye to help and there is nothing I really can do about. We tried putting a stronger lens on left and still didnt help.

Anonymous said...

I have my own problems with these nifty new floaters...ugh! There goes another one right there!

Anonymous said...

Sign of getting old. John go to day to the eyedoctor. I need to go now that you reminded me I ll go and make the apptment. I know that I need new ones .

Millie said...

Well, do you realy want me to try to get you and appt. or are you just messing with my mind, again???

Netter said...

What! When do I mess with your mind? OK, maybe I did when I told you that the phone call was someone telling you that you won a barrel of tomato sauce.

However, this time....YES, YES, YES, make an eye appt for me. Please and Thank you!