Friday, June 30, 2006

The dreaded footie pajamas....

If someone was to ask me one thing that I would erase from my childhood, without a doubt I would choose footie pajamas. My Sister will be very irritated at me for picking them but hey, its my choice not hers. She loves the damn things and will wear them now if she could get her hands on a pair. OK, maybe not in the summer but she would wear them in the winter. Gag...GAG...GAAAAG! I hate them. Yes, hate is a strong word but this is no joking matter.
I'm a hot sleeper. My bedroom is far cooler than most people could stand...and I don't have tons of blankets and covers on my bed. Nope, I don't need tons of layers because I sweat like a glass of ice cold lemonade on the 4th of July. As a kid, I tended to kick off my covers, so as Mother...aka Super Magenta, put me in the torture devices called footie pajamas. Seriously, this was terrible. When I was old enough to be able to work the zipper and I'd actually pull half my body out of those death traps of sweat. I did. I remember waking up in the morning and the only part of my body still in them were my arms and I guess technically my part of my back. Yep, I would unzip that long zipper all the way past my knee,I'd pull one leg out and let my foot dry off in the nice cool air....AHHHHH, then I would pull the other leg out......AHHHH. There I was, sprawled out on my little twin bed with my legs and belly sticking out. AIR, COOL AIR.....AHHHHH! Steam rising from my little limbs. Your feet can't breath in those footsie, no friggin way.
Yep, that is what I want to wipe from the memory of this earth....Footsie Pajamas. Goodbye and good riddance.
Oh, dont feel sorry for Tisha...she can pick her own thing to get rid long as it isn't vanilla ice cream, we should be OK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these. I had a pair as an adult and someone stole them from the laundry mat when I went home to get something.
