Friday, May 19, 2006

Hehe...I just noticed...(aka time to pick on Cousins)

I think if this picture were colored green....Mike would look a LOT like Shrek. Do you agree? Shall we try something and see?


Yeppers, works for me. Ok, OK, Mikes face isn't as round...and he doesn't have those ears, and his nose isn't that big. Its the area under the nose that does it and the area under the lip to the I the only one seeing this? Just picture Mike bald. you are seeing it, aren't you!
We should start calling Heidi, Princess Fiona....THE KIDS WILL LOVE THIS!


Netter said...

LOL, I'm so dead

Anonymous said...

Oh Netter you really shouldnt of now i have to break out A dust picture of you and alter it. And Its going to be bad...hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

i always wanted to be related to someone famous, now i get to say im realated to SHREK

Netter said...

Hey now! Mike! That wasn't bad...just keep that in be nice or I will have to break out some old pictures...or better yet transfer some old videos to DVD and post them...YOU DON'T WANT THAT! Just remember that...heheheheh!

Dani~ Yeah, who would have guessed?!

Heidi~ have to admit, that was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Wow! How cute it that! Does your cousin like onions?

Netter said...

You know, I'm not sure if he likes onions or not. My sister did when she was a little girl. She ate an entire raw onion like an apple and I would not go near her for weeks because she smelled just like an was gross. Must run in the family.

Anonymous said...

How funny. Only you would think of this. but you are right.Sorry Mike