Saturday, May 20, 2006


I was invited and unable to attend the wedding of a dear friend this weekend. I met Susanne years ago when she was a au pair living on Long Island. She is a lovely person and the love of her life is just as lovely.

On May 20th at 3PM in Vor Frue Kirke, Copenhagen Denmark, Susanne and Troels will be married. A reception follows at the Skodsborg Kurhotel og Spa in Villa Rex.

Susanne has promised to send me photos as soon as possible. I will post them as soon as I receive them. MAN, I love weddings! Troels recently accepted a wonderful job in Switzerland and that is where they are currently living. May their marriage be blessed!


Netter said...

I think Susanne made them herself. I didn't know she was so crafty.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I wish you were going to the wedding, I bet it's beautiful there this time of year and the wedding will be lovely, and I bet Susanne will look absolutely beautiful, too! (And I mean more than she usually does already as a nearly six foot, stunning blond! ;)

Netter said...

She is a stunning gal, but the wonderful thing about Susanne is that she is as lovely inside as she is on the outside. I wish I could have been there too....I'm very sad about that.

Anonymous said...


Very nice....