Monday, November 07, 2005

Yet another reason....

...that I will never learn to knit. Ewww, who sat around and thought..."HEY, why don' t I knit internal organs! That could be fun!" I guess it could be used as a learning tool, I can't deny that but in all reality I think it is kinda sick. Can't you just picture Christmas...a child opens his present from crazy Aunt Matilda, "Uh, wow, thanks Auntie Matilda, for the lovely...uh....uh..." Aunt Matilda shouts, "Oh yes, dear, its the digestive system. I was sure you would love it!" If you want to be that mean...and make it for someone you hate...follow the title link for directions. Just don't make one for me. I want an cash would be great...gee thanks!

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