Monday, November 14, 2005

I won , I WON...

LOL, I already knew I won, but it is fun to gloat and to try to get some kind of grand prize out of it. Cindy's little sister Michelle asked a question and I finally figured it out so I demanded a prize like only I could do. I received this postcard in the mail. We know how I love to get snail mail, especially postcards! "The back reads, Here is part of your prize for the trivia question. My most favorite postcard! I hope you enjoy it! -Michelle" Well, I did enjoy made me laugh. Then I opened the envelope that contained the stickers that she sent me.They straddle the disgusting line in just the way I enjoy. Gross, indeed, but it gets peoples attention. Who doesn't enjoy a dirty monkey that looks like a zombie and who had poor social skills. It kind of reminds me of a few Anyway, thanks again Michelle!


Chelie said...

I really enjoyed seeing those on your site. I didn't know whether you would be grossed beyond belief or cracked up by those stickers... I figured if you were disgusted, it would be your punishment for demanding

Cindy said...

Those are right up Annette'a alley. heheh.

Netter said...

Cynthisa, really! I'm shocked and outraged by that