Friday, September 09, 2005

Things that make me smile...

This list will grow as inspiration hits me.

1) Katies away messages: katies1sexymofo [1:57 PM]: Auto-reply: meow mix meow mix please deliver

2) a certain someones dirty little giggle.

3) arts and craft stores

4) the smell of fruit pies in the over...or sweet rolls or hell, anything baked and full of carbs.

5) a cold pillow against me cheek

6) giving a gift to someone when it isn't their birthday...just becuase and for no personal gain. *One of my favorite things to do*

7) childrens laughter

8) fat cats and chunky puppies

9) a song coming on the radio that I like, know all the words to and is in a key that I might have a chance at hitting.

10) getting lucky

11) other people smiling at me.

12) memories so strong that I can still hear their voice.

13) planting flowers and bulbs

14) getting a phone call...out of the blue...from a friend that I have not talked to in quite sometime.

15) getting snail mail that isn't a bill

16) the smell of laundry that has been hung out on the line to dry in a nice breeze.

17)A kitty with its motor going full blast...purrrrrrr

18) a hug when I need it most



Anonymous said...

None of these pertain to me...what's the deal? I mean I paid my friendship dues this week. I demand more for my money.

Anonymous said...

Mow, Meow, Merrrrr, Meow, Meowch, Merow, Meow, Meow...translaton: I am sick of all this crap about fat gray cats, you KNOW who really rules your heart.

Anonymous said...

20) Bear necklaces worn by dapper, fashion forward English men.

Netter said...

Raine, I have not gotten to the good stuff on my list yet. Wait for it! You will be on there of course!

Twitters! My dear little are the purring that I mentioned...but I will also add that you are the best to nap with.

Kissiffer...of course the bear claws made me looked so cute in them...Cheif! I will add that to my list too.

Anonymous said...
