Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I missed my old icon from my old flutterbynett site. The pic just makes me happy. I thought about using it in place of my current icon but do I really want to do that? I think I'll just stick with what I have and keep this little chickie babe as a back up. She reminds me of days gone by. LOL, long before I was even a glint in anyones eyes. she just looks so sweet and innocent....hmmm, just like me...cough, cough. I'm going to name her Betty. She looks like a Betty, doesn't she? Got anything better?


Chelie said...

jeez I accidentally hit the refresh button and you have something new already...I was only finished with half of the page as it was :P

King OSirLucas said...

Betty sounds about right... BETTY BOOP :P