Monday, June 27, 2005

To Canada and back....

Ok, I just walked in the door from my road trip that I thought would never end. I had an interesting time...I will blog about the details tomorrow....Well, not all of them, a girl has to have a few secrets. All I will say is that I had a GOOOOOOOD Time. LoL, jez, don't ask. Night all.


Anonymous said...

Annette, welcome back! Two things. One, great to hear you enjoyed your trip. Two, "I will blog about the details tomorrow....Well, not all of them" - that is simply not acceptable. I expect a full blow by blow account of your Canadian escapades. You can't disappear for two days then gloss over the details. It ain't gonna happen!

Netter said...

"Blow by Blow"....who have you been talking to?'ll get what you get. I've got to have a few secrets or I don't seem half as By the way, its great to be back.