Thursday, May 19, 2005

Here's a funny story about this picture. I found it when I was web surfing and knew my Father would get a kick out of it. I sent a copy to Mom and she passed it along to Dad. He had Mom write: Trained coon dogs for sale by Zach Kaster. (phone#) adk for Deanna. He then say Jesse in front of Vern Ray's house. Everyone was there for Brie's graduation. Dad told Jesse he found the flier out at the bowling alley and sent him off to show it to Zach. Dad went home and then the phone started ringing. Lonnie got ahold of it and had to call Dad. I heard Deanna wasn't so happy about it,. perhaps because she thought that was plastered around town. Which it wasn't. I think any coon hunter would get a kick out of this photo....and we all know that My Pops, Zach and Lonnie are coon hunters. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

OMG.... I'm printing this out and pasting it all over chris's room for a welcome home surprise. :-)

Netter said...

lol....Katie, how funny. don't tell him where you got it.