Friday, December 30, 2011

The sky was pretty interesting yesterday evening. The sun was sinking below the tree line and it was sprinkling which created a double rainbow behind us. I was driving so I wasn't really thinking about pulling over to get a shot of it when the rainbow was doubled and super bright. I took these pictures after the rain had stopped so I really missed the prettiest part of the sunset and only caught one ring of the rainbow, but it was still super bright and pretty, none the less. That's the one thing I love about Nebraska...the sunesets are usually lovely. It's because there is nothing blocking its view, just miles and miles of farmland. The second thing I love about Nebraska is the people. Not all of them, but the ones that remind me that its a great place to live. You know, the people that always say hello or wave, even though they don't know you. The people that stop and help a person with car problems, those are my kind of people. They hold doors open for you instead of letting it go in your face. Yep, good people. It's home. It's home and its a good place to come from.

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