Thursday, January 07, 2010

If that doesn't make you feel like a dork, I don't know what will!

Yes, I actually made it to the driveway before I realized I had on two different colored shoes. Let me explain. I have two pairs of shoes, both the same make, but in different colors...tan and black. I'd been wearing the tan shoes for weeks, so they were in the basket on the sun porch. I'd been heading out when I realized I had a black hoodie/kangaroo pouch sweatshirt on, so I decided to dig out my black shoes. I went up stairs with the tan shoes in tow and as I was taking the black shoes out of the closet, the phone rang. I put my shoes on while I was talking to one of the mothers in Anna's class about setting up a play date. I hung up the phone, walked downstairs, and headed out the door. Now, I tend to look everywhere but at the ground, so what made me look is a mystery to me...but thank goodness I did. Because that kind of sticks out like a sore thumb, don't you think. I changed right out of the tan shoe, so I actually matched when I picked Fiona up from Nursery School.


Rain said...

I think you should have kept them mismatched and started a new trend!!

I do that with socks. One time on the bus a lady looked down at her feet and and went, "Oh God!" I noticed she had on two different black pumps but the guy sitting next to her went, "What?"

Rockstar Mom said...


Netter said...

Raine, Even I couldn't pull off the mismatched look...Lady Gaga, perhaps, but not me.

Mare~ I know, right!