Friday, November 06, 2009

My blog broke 35,000 while I was away?! What the!

You turn your back on your blog for a few months and BAM, people start checking in to see if you've finally joined the living again. Yes, I'm still alive. Yes, I've been busy...too busy to blog or update on facebook or do any cool crafting projects. I've just been busy, that's all. Well, that's not entirely true. I have been fighting off all the germs floating around the region, and deciding to make my body home for a little while. I've had some major colds but except for a stuffy nose, I'm feeling pretty good these days. Perhaps if I can stay away at night, long enough to check my email and jot a few lines down on the old Blogger, I'll actually manage to blog once or twice a month. What? You really want me to post every day? I'm trying not to laugh, really I am...I just can't help myself. I'm not going to promise anything, but I will make an effort to show dyslexic ass every so often. If for no other reason than to stop all the "Where the hell are you?" emails and the "Are you dead or something?" emails. To answer those questions for you...I'm here, where else would I be and no, I'm not dead, not even a little bit. It's not so easy to get rid of me, you should all know that by now. It's only typical that when you want me to be around, I'm not and when you want me to shut my pie whole, I won't. Maybe typical is a poor word for that about logical. Yeah, that works for me.

I'm out of blogging practice. Luckily for me, I'm not one of those bloggers that sits and ponders what I should write about. I don't plan or go over details and check for mistakes...I just type and what you see is what you get. I'm a grammatical nightmare half the time, its true, but that's the story of my life. Like I always say, If it bothers you, stop reading my tirades and blabbering lunacy. For crying out loud, don't you have something else to criticise? It's not like I get paid to do this, you know. I blog as an outlet, a way to relax and its a form of tortured entertainment on my part.

Luckily, I have several ideas for upcoming posts. Shocker! Maybe I'll post some pictures soon as well. I've uncovered my camera cord. It tried to hide, but I've always been good at hide and seek. Just ask the girls...we played for 1 1/2 hours the other night. Believe me, there are only so many place an adult can squeeze their ass into to hide. The girls declared me an expert at hiding. Of course I don't giggle when someone is close to me, so that helps. Oh yeah, why can a 5 year old that won't go upstairs by herself in broad daylight because she is scared, suddenly have no problem hiding in the basement with all the lights off when its dark outside? That's the current million dollar question, that really is only worth a nickle, so don't think you are getting a check for a million if you answer that correctly. If you answer it to my liking, I might send you a bright shiny nickle that I found on the sidewalk. Don't get to excited, it was probably left there by some gross teenager that thought it would be funny to stick it in his underwear before dropping it on the ground for someone to pick up. Ewww, yeah, that's why I always hesitate before picking up change on the ground. I don't care how lucky that penny looks. Gag.

OK, so much for intelligent blogging. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about being quoted and ending up with a bazillion links to my site. I don't think my site meter could handle the pressure. I'm off to bed. Hopefully a night of sleepless walking will recharge my battery and get those creative juices flowing again. Well, that and my good friend Raine always tells me not to blog late at night because I sound insane...well, more insane than usual.

Until the next time, tootle loo!


Yarn Tails said...

Hiya old Friend! I have been missing you lately! Hows the kids treating you? I take it pretty good from your blog post. I really need your new address. Christmas is upon us and I like having my cards out by the 1st of Dec you know. LOL Oh and you should call me sometime... I will send you an email with my new number. Hugs! Talk to you soon!!

Elsie said...

Actually...well blogging isn't too bad but in person late at night you start to SAY insane things like, "Hand me that newspaper" where there is no said paper in sight and blabber on about raccoons if I recall.

Now, where are the pics of your nephew?

Netter said...

Hey Brandy, I'll email you my address....or you can just get it off of facebook, because its on there. Give me that phone number woman, I'll call you.

Raine...OK, I'll post a Phin picture soon. I remember the newspaper comment, but when did I blabbering about raccoons. Did I really do that.

laxantes naturales said...

Fantastic work full of creativity. Congratulations. Continue your path!