Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Your rainbow is shaded white.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated blogoversary!

Millie said...

I can't believe this/ I got the same shaded white as you.. I don't think we would have answered that much alike// wierd, scarey thought that we are that much alike...lol

Netter said...

What do you mean, Mom...you think its scary that we are alike?! How do you think I feel!!! lol, I'd raather be like you than Dad....oy vey.

Anonymous said...


Millie said...

I guess what I meant was that we are not exactly that much alike in out thinking, actions, etc..You're very crafty, I get by, You get started on a project and (ususally) get it done in a matter of time, I stall and put things off. That's what I meant...

Anonymous said...

Miss Netter
Where are you? I miss reading your blogs and keeping up with the family. Hope everything is ok.


Millie said...

Nett/ You really should change the My cousin Shannon thingy on your side panel on here. She is no longer preggers and definitely no 43 wks and 5 days pregger.. Ya know what I mean??

tisha said...

My rainbow was shaded black and indigo, a strong person whom people may find frightning