Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Where have I been? Well...

I have had a bit of the Winter Blahs. Don't worry, its not contagious. However, just incase...I decided to make sure I wasn't passing them on to anyone else by not blogging. I just didn't feel that I had anything to say. Well, not anything positive or funny. It seems like the last month and a half have been full of sad things, not just for me but for some of my dearest friends as well. It's hard to be happy go lucky when your friends are upset and hurting. I just needed a break to catch my second wind.
I was told today that I need to blog. I think I do too. I'm going to start posting again. I'm also going to start crafting again. I need to get use to the fact that Spring isn't going to be here for a while and I'm going to have to make my own warm weather feeling. I may have to hit the booze and sit to close to my table lamp. Hey, those suckers build up some heat.

Consider yourself warned!

Netter is back!


Anonymous said...

It's just been a tough few months for everyone. The weather is warming up, though...Spring 'tis around the corner!

Anonymous said...

I can relate...glad to see you back. What crafty project is next up for you??

Anonymous said...

Well I hope you're over it!! I have enough of that cold crap running around this side of the country!

Anywho.... You didn't tell these "poor" people that you won on my site!! **sniffles**

Have a better weekend NETTER!

Kare said...

You made my day by announcing your blogging comeback.

Winter blues are horrible. Seems like we've all gone through them this winter. Maybe we should have had a Blue Blog. You are such a sweetheart, Netter. If anyone should be exempt from them, it should be you.

Netter said...

Spring! Spring! It better hurry its warm little butt up. It's supposed to be 50 tomorrow! GOODIE!

Raine~ I know, you are right.

Sue~ I was crocheting new patterns for granny squares last night. I have other things in mind too, but I have to wait for the painter to get the last few rooms done before I can start any of them.

Mandy~ Oh Yeah...I'm excited about the big win. When are you sending out my goodie?!

Kare~ Oh goodie! I'm glad I could make someones day a little brighter. I have a funny story to tell...but I have to download a pic before I can post about it.

Kare said...

you know, the crafting will make you feel better. To create is to live.
Deep, huh?

Rockstar Mom said...

Kare's avatar makes me crave Starbucks.

I am glad your back Netters! I have missed you bunches.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your blahs. We are right there with ya.