Friday, March 28, 2008

It's Quilting Time People!

Oh yes, it seems as though I'm learning a new skill. Guess what! It's going to be an expensive addiction too, I can tell already. I have my strips done for half the blocks of my Double Irish Chain Quilt. All I have to do now is use my handy old rotary cutter and turn them into mini 2 1/2 inch strips. No problem. I think this weekend I'm going to cut and sew and cut again the strips for the larger blocks that I have to make. I'm waiting until I'm in class to sew everything together in blocks though. Even at this rate, I'm ahead of the other gals in my class. One of them was having a terrible time cutting strips. It's not that hard...maybe she's a spaz. Spaz or not, shes a sweet friendly lady with a great sense of humor about her issues with the rotary cutter. I told her it was like cutting pizza and she said she uses scissors to cut pizza. I must have looked at her funny because she started laughing and I said, "There is no hope for you. You better pack up and go home." That really cracked her up. I love people that you can joke around with and the get that its a joke.
I'm hauling my sewing machine to class next Monday because I really cant stand the machine that I had to use at my station on Wens. Oh Dear Lord that machine was bad. It had one speed, which was super fast. I'd have to push the foot thingy all the way down before it would go and then it WWWEEEEENNNNNNTTTTT so darn fast I almost threw my shoulder out. Plus I don't want to look like an idiot because I can't thread that machine. I only know how to thread the one that my Mom bought me because its super easy. I think its the machine featured in the Idiots guide to Sewing, just kidding.
I'll post more pics as my quilt evolves.


Desperate Housewife said...

Oooh, I'm so excited for you!
I love irish chain quilts! I'd like to make one myself someday.
I must confess that I'm a rotary cutter spaz myself.

Anonymous said...

Pretty fabrics you've got there. Can't wait to see the finish.

Anonymous said...

You go, Netter! I look forward to seeing the finished quilt. BTW, I once took a cake decorating class (my friend wanted company) and there was this woman there that was a disaster with frosting. She got it everywhere!! Sheesh!

.:Cris:. said...

Beautiful.... I love quilting, but it doesn't love me. I'm better at hand quilting- the finishing part, not the sewing the stuff together part.

Anonymous said...

QUICK, what kind of machine do you have? Mine went to Texas and I am looking for a new one. Congrats on a new craft. Machine quilting is fun. Can't wait to start on another one, have been saving old jeans for the top. The one you are making will be beautiful. Carole