Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a mess...

Well, the contractors came today and made a ton of holes in the walls and ceilings. This house was like a big game of OPERATION. We have some issues right now and they needed to get in there to figure out what exactly was going on and how to fix the problem. Well, We are happy to announce that two of the issue are easy and quick fixes. The other's are a little higher on the Fujita Scale. In total we have SIX huge holes. Each in a different part of the house. Don't you wish you were here...sucking in that dry wall dust with us?! Come on, you know you wanna.
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Unknown said...

yummy yummy drywall dust!
Sounds like fun. Is there dust masks and bourbon involved?

Anonymous said...

I say dust mask and wine. I remember all the dust when they did the basement. But I still want to do the kitchen that shouldn't be to much drywall.

Netter said...

Dear Lord, My Aunt has turned into a WINO...only she could figure out how to drink wine through a dust mask and not waste a drop.

lol. I hope I'm kidding.

Desperate Housewife said...

Renovations suck. Until it's all done and furniture is back in place, and then they're great.

Peg said...

Good reason to go shopping or out to lunch, Netter! It isn't healthy to stay at home in all that. ;)
Are the contractors doing everything or just the major holes & then you're finishing?

Hang in there! With the view you have from that house and those big glass doors, any repairs to the house are worth it.


Court said...

Sucks for you! They have been there a long time now havent they? The photo album you made is so cute. That was so thoughtful. And the picture. Umm to have that view I would take all the suckie days to see taht every night..

Olivia Twist said...

A quiz for you to take...like you don't have enough going on right now huh?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aw man! That stinks. I hate having contractors in the house. Fujita Scale?

Netter said...

lol..yeah the Fujita Scale...it is the way the measure the distruction of tornados. I figure it should apply to contractors too.